Kiwi Generosity is Alive and Well | New Zeal

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Kiwi Generosity is Alive and Well

Thank You
Posted February 28, 2024

Thank you to all our corporate partners for the wonderful work you do to support our mahi. We have really been blessed over the past few months in particular with appeals that have benefited The Salvation Army and the whanau we journey with. These are amazing results given the current climate of cost-of-living pressures that people are experiencing. The New Zealand public are wonderfully generous to those in need!

  1. The Woolworths Christmas Appeal raised $414,000 with customers donating $214,000 matched by a corporate donation of $200,000. We say a big thank you to Woolworths NZ and in particular to the staff of the nearly 200 local Woolworths stores for the part they played in raising this money. Woolworths NZ also makes food rescue donations to our foodbanks amounting to several million dollars per year.
  2. The Kmart Wishing Tree Appeal in its 30th year, produced over $58,000.00 in monetary donations. The appeal also raised over 15,000 donated gifts, valued at over $300,000, which is 22% higher than in 2022. This appeal makes sure that we have enough Christmas gifts to supply to the families we work with so they can experience the joy of Christmas. Thank you to Kmart and all their wonderful store staff for the work they did at a local level to make this appeal happen.
  3. The Back-to-School Appeal with The Warehouse Group has raised $72,000 for whanau to meet uniform costs and purchase school stationery. This time of year can be so tough on families as they face Christmas costs, followed by the need to get children ready for the new school year. Once again, we say a big thank-you to the local store staff at The Warehouse and Warehouse Stationery for making this appeal work so well.

Thank you to all our partners for all the work they do to support our mahi around Aotearoa New Zealand.

Find out more here: Corporate Partners