100 Days of Prayer for Encounter Congress

The 100-day countdown to ENCOUNTER CONGRESS starts from Monday 24 June 2019.
Matthew 18: 19-20 encourages us to come together in agreement in prayer and that wherever 2 or 3 gather in God's name, there He is present with us. The Passion Translation talks about 'a symphony of prayer'. What a wonderful image!
Although we are scattered geographically, we can all play our part in this symphony!
Will you join us in 100 days of prayer specifically for this event?
Commencing 24 June 2019
100: Pray for General Brian and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle - our guest leaders
99: Pray for the Congress organising group working now on all the logistical details for the venue and programme.
98: Pray for the ongoing impetus of this season of New Zeal as The Salvation Army seeks ongoing openness to encounter with God
97: Pray for Commissioners Andy & Yvonne Westrupp in their leadership of the territory.
96: Pray for Majors Rex and Geraldine Johnson as they coordinate visa arrangements for those coming from Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.
95: Pray for your corps to embrace the opportunity to be part of ENCOUNTER through prayer and presence.
94: Pray for people who are new to TSA, for whom this will be the first taste of a gathering like this.
Commencing 1 July 2019
93: Pray for our children ministry leaders
92: Pray for leaders in youth ministries.
91: Pray for an impact on the city of Wellington when people come to the capital for Congress.
90: Salvation Army Founders William and Catherine Booth had a clear vision as to the purpose for which God raised up The Salvation Army to be. Pray for the opportunities that we have today to participate in God’s Salvation plan.
89: Pray for the effective proclamation of the gospel through the Congress messages and testimonies.
88: Open up your heart to the brokenness of the world in which we live, and spend time asking God for your part in responding to this.
87: Today is Covenant Renewal Sunday where Salvationists can take the opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to God. Consider making your own prayer of reaffirmation.
Commencing 8 July 2019
86: As you move through today, ask God to show you His presence already active in your neighbourhood and/or workplace and join His in this mission.
85: Pray for people who may have grown weary in their faith that Encounter Congress is a place through which everyone is refreshed and filled with God’s Spirit.
84: Pray the Michael Fowler Centre will become ‘holy ground’ where God speaks to His people with power
83: Ask God to show you anything that is within you which prevents you from experiencing the fullness of His joy and experience of His grace.
82: Pray for the Mission Conference that will happen on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th (morning) that it will be a means of mobilising people towards greater mission engagement.
81: Just Action ’19 takes place immediately prior to Congress. The theme is ‘Restoring the Spirit to the Public Sphere’. Pray that this conference provides the impetus for God’s work in this world, through us.
80: Pray for the Cadets and staff of Booth College of Mission and their impact on the Army now and in the future.
Commencing 15 July
79: Pray for people to respond to the call to serve God as officers in The Salvation Army.
78: Pray for all the children who are connected with our corps and centres, that they may know without a doubt that they are loved children of God.
77: Pray for Salvationists who are older and may now be feeling unable to travel to events such as Congress, that they may be able to participate and be encouraged through the live stream options.
76: Pray for the musicians, worship leaders and other contributors who are preparing to do their part for Congress – that these will be times of meaningful encounter.
75: Today as youth and children leaders gather for the MORE conference, pray that God’s Spirit will bring powerful refreshing in the times of teaching, equipping and learning.
74: Pray for members of Recovery Churches who are finding new life through Jesus, and redemption from their previous lifestyle. Thank God for His redeeming power!
73: Consider whether there’s anything in your heart that prevents you from experiencing the fullness of God’s power right now. Confess your sin and receive God’s forgiveness.
Commencing 22 July
72: As you consider the corps or church that you are associated with, what is one thing you would want to pray for your corps/church today?
71: Pray again for General Brian and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle as their time for being with us is getting closer. Pray for their health and well-being. Thank God for them.
70: Read Exodus 3: 1 – 5 (Moses and the burning bush) Take yourself to an alone space and read these words again. Give God your full attention and wait.
69: Pray for people who are in prison (literally) and those who are held captive by lifestyle choices they have made. Pray to God for His mercy and compassion.
68: Listen to this song: Holy Ghost Spend time reflecting on this and thanking God for His Holy Spirit at work within us.
67: Pray for the nation of Samoa where the Army commenced work in 2018. Praise God for lives being transformed as the power of the gospel impacts lives.
66: Pray for Lt Colonels Rod & Jenny Carey (Regional Leaders in Samoa), Captain Miriama Simanu and Tino & Natalie Senio who lead the mission as a team.
Commencing 29 July
65: Pray for the nation of Tonga where the Army commenced 32 years ago. Tonga is facing serious challenges with a growing drug culture. Pray against this stronghold.
64: Pray for Captains Sila and Malia Siufanga (Regional Leaders) and the officers in Tonga that they will enjoy increasing effectiveness in their work for God’s mission in Tonga.
63: Pray for the nation of Fiji where the Army has been active for over 40 years. There are many vulnerable communities and much hardship, but so much joy for Jesus. Praise God for the Army in Fiji.
62: Pray for Majors Alister and Anne Irwin (Divisional Leaders) and the officers & soldiers of Fiji. Pray for effective impact on the communities in which they serve.
61: Listen to the song People Need the Lord: Prayerfully reflect on the people and situations described here and ask God to open your eyes to the needs of people you will pass by today.
60: Pray for your corps officers and their family. Thank God for them, and ask Him how you can bless them today.
59: Consider your workplace, your school or your neighbourhood. Pray for that today. How might you bear witness to someone who does not yet know Jesus?
Commencing 5 August
58: Jesus declared His mission in Luke 4:18-19. His mission is our mission. Who do you know who needs to hear the good news of the gospel?
57: As you listen to the news or read the media headlines, what catches your attention today? Is there a situation to pray about? Bring this before God.
56: Pray for people who have lost their joy in serving Jesus, that they may be reignited with hope, and ready to take their part.
55: Pray for people to find salvation through Jesus Christ at Congress, and then be engaged in mission for God.
54: What delights you today? Spend some time in prayer thanking God joyfully for the goodness of all that He provides for us personally, and the way you see God’s mission making a difference in our world.
53: Tomorrow we celebrate another New Zeal Sunday with the message being brought from Christchurch City Corps, with Guest Speaker Commissioner Lyndon Buckingham. Pray for readiness to receive God’s Word.
52: Pray that as people gather this Sunday in corps and churches across New Zealand Fiji Tonga and Samoa that there will be transforming encounters with God.
51: Pray for your nation and its leaders. Read 1 Timothy 2: 1 – 6. What is your prayer-response to these instructions?
Commencing 12 August
50: We are now halfway through our 100 Days of Prayer journey towards the Encounter Congress. Pair up with someone today and prayer for ENCOUNTER.
49: We focus our prayer today on Northern Division, centred in the significant city of Auckland. This is the place where all nations meet. This place is a great mission field! Pray for the work of The Salvation Army in Auckland.
48: We continue to pray for Northern Division, recognising its reach into the Far North of New Zealand. Pray for Far North (Kaitaia) Corps; Whangarei Corps; and the significant addictions ministry that happens in Northland.
47: Maori Ministries is flourishing in Northern Division. A large group is preparing to participate in Congress and this is exciting! Praise God for the people who are finding a home in God through the Maori Ministries of Northern Division.
46: We turn our prayer focus today to the Midland Division. Stretching across the middle of the North Island, from the Taranaki in the west to Bay of Plenty and Hawkes Bay in the east. Pray for the work corps and centres within this geographical area.
45: Continuing to pray for Midland Division. If you access a map there could be one town or city that God brings to your attention to pray for today. Pray for that place.
44: Central Division encompasses the southern part of the North Island. Pray for the government of New Zealand, situated in this capital city. Pray for your local MP and for the Prime Minister.
Commencing 19 August
43: Pray for the corps and centres within Central Division. Pray that they will be invigorated by having Encounter Congress right in their patch.
42: The South Island of New Zealand is a great landmass where the work of TSA is scattered across the region. Isolation brings challenges but also opportunities. Consider a specific place in the South Island that you will pray for today.
41: Pray for the city of Christchurch. It’s rebuilding after the tragic earthquakes and finding a new normal following the terrorist attacks. It has a strong and resilient spirit. Pray for the church in Christchurch – the body of Christ dispensing hope and reconciliation.
40: Read Psalm 46. What is your response to these words? Make this your prayer.
39: Junior Soldiers is a discipleship programme for children that provides a firm foundation for their faith development and their relationship with Jesus. Pray for all Junior Soldiers.
38: The Salvation Army Addictions services are many and varied. Today our prayers turn to the Bridge programme where people addicted to alcohol and drugs can receive help and counsel to break free. These services are offered across New Zealand and in Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.
37: Prison Reintegration services provide housing for people released from prison, offering support in getting back on their feet. People in reintegration houses need supportive neighbourhoods. Pray for the staff and the residents.
Commencing 26 August
36: In Luke 4: 18 we are reminded that Jesus came to proclaim freedom for the captives. This is our anointed task as well. Who do you know who needs freedom, as found in Jesus? Pray for them.
35: Housing is a critical issue for many people. Inadequacy of supply; unaffordability and poor quality homes creates a desperate need in our nations. The Salvation Army’s social housing and transitional housing is expanding to meet this need. Pray that the provision of housing creates caring and supportive communities. Pray for our governments that they will respond effectively to the housing need.
34: Preschool ministries come in all kinds of shapes and forms. As well as kindergartens and early childhood centres, there are preschool groups of various types in corps. Pray for the health and wellbeing of the parents, caregivers and the children in your community.
33: Schools are central places of influence in our communities. Pray for the schools nearest you – the children, students, teachers, Principals and all families linked.
32: As you reflect today on the things you hear on the news or read in the media, spend 5 minutes praying for one thing that particularly grabs your attention.
31: Read Jesus prayer in John 17. Thank God that you are included in this prayer.
30: A month from now we’ll be gathering for ENCOUNTER CONGRESS. Let expectations rise within us as we pray: ‘Jesus be glorified!’ and ‘Come Holy Spirit’.
Commencing 2 September
29: Pray for the Leaders’ Councils which take place on Thursday 3rd October – an opportunity for Officers and Local Leaders to experience a powerful time of worship and ministry from God’s Word.
28: Thursday night of Encounter Congress will be a joyous and colourful cultural celebration. Pray for our brothers and sisters from Fiji, Tonga and Samoa who will be featured alongside others.
27: Pray for General Brian and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle as they continue to prepare to come amongst us. May God’s Holy Spirit prepare them with an anointed Word.
26: Pray for Commissioners Andy & Yvonne Westrupp who are our territorial leaders. Prepare their hearts for their part in the Encounter Congress.
25: Encounter Congress is just around the corner! We have anticipated this over many weeks as we have prayed. Pray for unity as we prepare to gather.
24: The Mission Conference is an important element of the Congress programme. A range of speakers and workshop facilitators will provide inspiration and teaching that will strengthen our skills in mission. Pray for the mission conference.
23: The Army’s work in the Pacific has never been stronger. Pray for the work in Samoa where soldiers are being made, and people are discovering abundant life in Jesus Christ.
Commencing 9 September
22: Fijian Salvationists have a joy in the Lord that is contagious. This is not dependent on circumstances, but overflows from knowing Jesus. Pray for Fijian Salvationists.
21: Tonga is a resilient country where our corps serve their communities wholeheartedly. Pray for the Salvation Army corps in Tonga that they may grow stronger in discipleship.
20: Please pray for the Congress Cultural Encounter which will take place on Thursday 3rd October. We will celebrate the richness of our diversity and what a blessing that will be!
19: The Army is a worldwide movement of God. Currently serving in over 130 nations of the world. The General comes with a worldwide perspective. Pray for enrichment of understanding as we listen to him.
18: Families and children are an essential part of the Army’s mission. Think about the children known to you who are connected with your corps, centre of community. Pray for those children and families that they may know God’s abundant blessing.
17: Please pray for the Encounter Family Celebration which will take place on Friday 4th October. This is an opportunity for children and families to experience God together.
16: Please pray for those preparing to be part of the worship teams at Congress. Pray that their leadership and song choices will be one way in which people encounter God.
Commencing16 September
15: Please pray for the tech teams whose skill is essential on ensuring the smooth running of Congress. Thank God for their skill. Pray for the smooth functioning of everything needed.
14: There is a time in our lives when each of us consider: What does God want with my life? Please pray for those who God is calling to officership. There is a particularly urgent need for people coming forward right now.
13: At this time in our history, there are new doors opening for mission that could be more effective than the ways things have been traditionally done. Ask God to show you what this Army may look like in the days to come.
12: Local leadership is essential for our corps and centres to flourish. Pray for corps and centre leaders; and for volunteers and staff. Pray for more people to make themselves available who are willing to take up leadership roles.
11: Read 2 Peter 1: 3 – 11. Thank God for all that He has given us. Ask God to show you how you can grow even more into His likeness.
10: Choose a local centre or ministry that’s close to your heart. Pray for that centre of ministry. Email or write to them to find out what needs you can pray for.
9: Blood and Fire is the Army’s motto. The blood of Jesus Christ makes salvation possible. The fire of the Holy Spirit purifies us from all sin and gives power. Pray that Congress will be a true ‘blood and fire’ encounter.
Commencing 23 September
8: Pray for the people of Wellington who will inevitably be impacted with the presence of so many salvationists during the congress. Pray that this will give witness to salvation through Jesus Christ.
7: Encounter Congress will be experienced by many people through online and social media platforms. Pray for the effective communication through these means, that will enable people to hear the message of God’s Word.
6: Join with David in his prayer recorded in 1 Chronicles 29: 10 – 13. It’s a prayer of ecstatic praise. If you can, read it out loud. Read it a second time and note the words that stand out for you. This is our God! Give Him thanks.
5: Read Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3: 16 – 21 Pray this prayer for the Army in New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa – that God will do this work in us. Affirm your belief and expectation of how God can do immeasurably more.
4: Pray for JUSTACTION that commence tomorrow at Wellington City Corps. This is a time to be challenged, informed and equipped to truly be God’s people – salt and light in God’s world.
3: ENCOUNTER depends upon an openness of people to God. Pray for the opening our hearts and readiness to engage with all we hear and do over the coming days.
2: Pray once again for our world leaders General Brian and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle as they come amongst us, and for our territorial leaders Commissioners Andy and Yvonne Westrupp.
1: Bow down and worship.